I just have a few words this week that will go a very far way!
Being a parent is a difficult job especially since every child is so different. Just like every parent wants to be respected, every child wants to be respected as well. Respecting a child means talking and responding to them like you would a friend.
1. Start with a polite request when asking your child or teenager to do something. Kindly ask. This is just a kind plea and doesn't involve nagging or yelling.
2. Next, use "I" statements. If your child does not respond well to the polite request, tell them how it makes you feel as a parent. Use phrases like I feel, because you did this, I feel, When you do this, I feel, ect. This also really helps a young person understand how their responses as a child impacts their parents.
3. If those steps do not work out well, a firm request would then be appropriate. This does not include yelling, spanking, acting out, but rather it includes being firm and directing your child to go and do something. 4. Give a logical consequence to your child if they do not obey the firm request. Children learn mostly from the natural consequences of things that happen to them. A logical consequence is something that can be talked about ahead of time with your child even before misbehavior happens. It can also be given in the moment of a misbehavior, but it is better to be talked about beforehand. While giving this consequence, it should be given firmly, but also friendly.
Children are seeking love and support. Children often are lacking a need for attention if they are acting out in inappropriate ways.
One of three things are usually happening when children are lacking attention and trying to find it:
1. They are in need of more power in their life and search for it.
2. They are being rebellious.
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