Monday, September 25, 2017

Be the Light of the World

This week, I have really learned again the importance of being a light to the world. I think it is important to note that in Matthew it talks a lot about how we can follow the example of Jesus Christ of being a light to the world. I have also learned and thought about my faith and how I can improve my faith so that I can see the miracles that the people in that day saw and experienced while Jesus Christ was on the earth. I think it is especially important to notice that Jesus Christ always cared about the one. He would heal and be present with just one person, and I find that very remarkable. He was a man full of caring for others rather than thinking about himself. I think in my own life, I have realized that faith is a gift of God that we have to choose to keep building and acting on daily through our scriptures, prayers, service, and many other different things. This week I have really tried to be a better light unto the world as I have read these scriptures and thought a lot about how I can improve my actions so that others see Jesus Christ countenance and example within me. 

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