Saturday, February 11, 2017


           Dating, courting, engagement, and marriage! Where has actual dating gone? This week we have talked a lot about dating and courting. We have discussed the difference of hanging out and actually dating. Dating takes preparation, time, and money. Hanging out does not take as much effort and come sometimes become too casual. 
         As I have been thinking this week about the importance of dating, I was reminded of how amazing my Husband is at this. When we first met, he was very persistent on calling me to ask me on a date instead of doing it over social media or text. I found this to be very respectful of him. He always made it an efforts to set up actual dates and not get too casual with just hanging out. I think this is very important. We as young people can get too relaxed when we are just "hanging out." I think that it is really important to teach young people in the world today how to properly date. Something else that has been on my mind this week is how a lady or young woman is supposed to act on dates and when they get asked out. I came up with three things that I feel are very important in the dating world. 1. Girls should be grateful whether or not she really is interested or not. She should say thank you, she should smile, and she should be kind. 2. Girls show build up her date. Women are naturally great at making people, especially men feel good about themselves. When a woman can compliment the person she is on a date with and build their dates confidence. 3. Girls should be present. I have seen it happen too often when a girl goes on a date with a guy she is not interested in and gets on her phone, looks around the room or area instead of listening to her date. I think there is an importance in treating each other with respect, kindness, and most importantly having fun together whether you are into each other or not. I have learned that it is not as much about who you are with, but your attitude towards the situation and the feelings you have toward who you are around. So, make a difference. Build up your date, smile, laugh, enjoy time with someone that you can learn from!

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