Saturday, February 18, 2017

The beginning of a life time.

Hello! I have been inspired this week as we have talked about transitions in marriage and learning how to form boundaries around a marriage. I have been thinking about if I went back to being engaged what would I tell myself and what would I tell others who are engaged right now. This is what I have come up with.
Enjoy the Journey of getting to know and adjust to one another. Openly, talk about the struggles and hardships you are having with adjustments to going from being engaged and now to being married. One of the hardest transitions for a girl is learning how to rely on their spouse. When hardships come up, going to your spouse instead of your mom or best friend.
When Zach and I went on our honeymoon, I really learned how to rely on him rather than family or friends through quite the terrible experience. Many know the story, but our original plan was to go on a cruise together for our honeymoon. Well, there were many things that came up on the day before we were supposed to go on our cruise. I woke up with a funny feeling, we were told that toll roads only accepted quarters from a lying rental car salesman, we had to get our birth certificates faxed to the cruise ship company, the directions were different than we had looked up before, and we were supposed to return our rental car at the port that ended up being somewhere else. All of this resulted in many tears when we arrived at the port and the ship was sitting there but security had already closed the gate to get on. This was one of those moments when everything stood still and I had to remember what really mattered the most. We experienced healing from being upset and unkind. This was a transition that took us time to learn.

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